The CCR Roundtable was reserved for members only and held in accordance with Chatham House rules. More than 20 corporate members seized the opportunity to join insightful discussions and network activities with their peers.
Topics discussed were:
Quality of non-financial data
Target Group focused communication
Annual Report: How to get relevant topics and information from divisions in an efficient way
The workshop was moderated by Thomas Scheiwiller. All corporate members have access to a summary of the findings of the meeting like challenges, different approaches, successful solutions and ideas.
If you have any questions, please contact the CCR Office:
11.15 Arrival at CCR, Zurich
11.30 Light Lunch and Networking
12.30 Welcome & Introduction
- Welcome by Thomas Scheiwiller, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR)
- Introduction of all participants / Short input on workshop expectations
13.00 Part 1
Quality of non-financial data
- Data quality across a large international group
- Internal vs external reporting
- The role of IT
- Assurance: scope, prerequisites (like documentation), approaches, benefits
- Specific reas: TCFD, CDP, Human Rights
Target Group focused communication
- Who reads annual reports? Which channel might be preferred (Roadshows, 1:1)?
- Can parts of Annual Reports be tailored to specific audiences?
- What is best practice with regards to the regulatory part and to interviews/stories?
14.30 Coffee Break
15.00 Part 2
- Who wants print, pdf, html, machine-readable (now and in the future)?
- Cost/benefit considerations for the above
- What elements are needed for an attractive website, should videos be part of it?
Recurring topics
- How to get (management) buy-in for sustainability strategy / integration of sustainability
- What are the prerequisites to get relevant topics and information from divisions in an efficient way?
16.30 Main takeaways, closing remarks
17.00 Farewell coffee & networking
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