One of the key trends in the investment community is the increased focus on long-term and linked to it the role of non-financials as drivers of performance. Since this is a rather young and thus immature space, both corporates as well as investors struggle with getting better aligned, for example around the question of material topics and also at the level of metrics and performance. Both sides are frustrated about the proliferation of approaches, perspectives, frameworks or even emerging standards with regards to non-financial information including ESG.
The CCR Roundtable provides attendees with the opportunity to hear from two leading financial service businesses how they look at non-financials, what they mean for the daily decision-making, and what they expect from their potential investees.
Partners Group, represented by Carmela Mondino Borromeo, will focus on the Private Equity asset class, and UBS represented by Christopher Greenwald will focus on the Public Equity asset class. You have a unique chance – through direct engagement with our top speakers – to learn and also challenge current and future investor requirements and expectations and what it means for your reporting and disclosure.
We look forward to welcoming you at the workshop. Please note that the event is held under Chatham House rules.
CCR corporate members can order the summary of key-findings.
08.15 Arrival / Welcome coffee
08.30 Welcome & Introduction
- Welcome by Thomas Scheiwiller, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR)
- Introduction of all participants / Short input on workshop expectations
09.10 Responsible investment in private markets
Carmela Mondino Borromeo, Associate – ESG & Sustainability, Partners Group
09.55 Integration, sustainable focused and impact: The sustainable reporting requirements of investors
Christopher Greenwald, Head of Sustainable and Impact Investing Research and Stewardship, UBS
10.40 Coffee & snacks
10.55 Wrap up of key take-aways and learnings
Mark Veser, Senior Manager Climate Change and Sustainability Services, EY Switzerland
11.05 Structured discussion
facilitated by Thomas Scheiwiller, Center for Corporate Reporting
11.55 Closing
Participants share key take-aways from the workshop
12.10 Lunch & networking
13.15 End
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