CCR Roundtable: The impact of EU’s NFRD on Swiss companies — Center for Corporate Reporting
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CCR Roundtable: The impact of EU’s NFRD on Swiss companies

  • Virtual roundtable (map)

A member of the EFRAG Project Task Force on “Reporting of Non-Financial Risks and Opportunities and linkage to the business model (PTF-RNFRO)” provided insights into its current work and timing. Additionally, EY gave a wider perspective on the NFRD and related developments in Europe and Switzerland (such as the Responsible Business Initiative). The presentation of best-practice cases allowed an in-depth discussion of the topic.

CCR corporate members can view the webinar recording in the member area.


08.15 Dial-in

08.30 Welcome & Introduction

  • Barbara Zäch, Co-CEO, Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR)
  • Thomas Scheiwiller, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR)
  • Presentation of summarized key expectations of roundtable participants

09.00 Insights into current developments on non-financial reporting in the EU, through the second project of the EFRAG* Corporate Reporting Lab

Estelle Aymard, member of the PTF-RNFRO** and part of the Financial Accounting and Reporting leadership team, Zurich Insurance Company

* EFRAG: European Financial Reporting Advisory Group
** PTF-RNFRO: Project Task Force on Reporting of Non-Financial Risks and Opportunities and linkage to the business model

09.15 Non-financial reporting related developments in Switzerland and Europe

Mark Veser, Senior Manager, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, EY
followed by a short Q+A, moderated by Thomas Scheiwiller

09.45 Break

10.00 Heading for new shores: From traditional sustainability reporting to legal compliance with CSR RUG

  • Andreas Streubig, Director Global Sustainability, HUGO BOSS
  • Vanessa Garrecht, Team Leader Corporate Sustainability, Global Sustainability, HUGO BOSS

followed by a short Q+A, moderated by Thomas Scheiwiller

10.30 ESG – practical considerations for a company in transition

Alice Revels, Head of Corporate Reporting, bp United Kingdom
followed by a short Q+A, moderated by Thomas Scheiwiller

11.00 Q+A discussion among participants and speakers

moderated by Thomas Scheiwiller

11.30 Outlook

by Barbara Zäch

11.40 End

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