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CCR Roundtable: New regulations for non-financial reporting

  • Virtual roundtable (map)

Keep up with the latest regulatory developments in both Switzerland and the EU and learn what the counterproposal to the Responsible Business Initiative means for your company.

Two streams of regulation are emerging in the field of non-financial reporting: One from the EU, which could potentially also become mandatory for Swiss companies with significant operations in the EU. And one from Switzerland, which will be introduced but the details are not defined yet. Now is the time to prepare as a company and adapt the reporting cycle to the new requirements in order to be ready in time when the specifics of it will be known and when it will come into force.

EY provided you with an overview of the most likely developments in the field of regulation and how Swiss companies will be affected. Two companies with a global presence – ABB and Logitech – then shared how they have dealt with these legal obligations in the past, how they have reacted to the current changes and which steps they plan for the near future.

CCR corporate members can view the webinar recording in the member area.

What were the benefits if you participated in this CCR Roundtable?

You got an overview on the current developments in the EU and their impact on Swiss companies as well as insights on how these EU regulations and the counterproposal to the Responsible Business Initiative might increase your ESG reporting or your due diligence requirements. A unique opportunity to discuss practical approaches with ABB and Logitech who have already taken action.


  • Adrienne Williams, Group Head of Corporate Responsibility, ABB

  • Robert O’Mahony, Head of Global Sustainability, Logitech


08.15 Dial-in

08.30 Welcome & Introduction

  • Welcome by Barbara Zäch, Co-CEO, and Thomas Scheiwiller, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR)
  • Introduction of all participants / Short input on workshop expectations

09.00 Overview on the current developments in the field of regulation and their impact on Swiss companies

  • Mark Veser, Senior Manager, EY

09.15 ABB approach

  • Adrienne Williams, Group Head of Corporate Responsibility, ABB
  • including a short Q&A, moderated by Thomas Scheiwiller

09.45 Break

09.50 Logitech approach

  • Robert O'Mahony, Head of Global Sustainability, Logitech
  • including a short Q&A, moderated by Thomas Scheiwiller

10.20 In-depth discussion with speakers and participants

moderated by Thomas Scheiwiller

10.50 Outlook on CCR activities

by Barbara Zäch

11.00 End

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Earlier Event: November 18
CCR Academy