Climate change poses both risks and opportunities for business as well as society, now and in the future. Without reliable climate-related financial information, financial markets cannot price climate-related risks and opportunities correctly and may potentially face a rocky transition to a low-carbon economy, with sudden value shifts and destabilizing costs if industries must rapidly adjust to the new landscape.
The recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) take the investor perspective and guide business to answer the question: What will be the impact of climate change on your organization? To meet these requirements organizations might have to adapt internally (e.g. governance, roles, processes, tasks) and maybe even align their business models to the transition to a net zero world. Is your organization prepared?
Participants learned from Wim Bartels, partner corporate reporting at KPMG Netherlands, about global trends in climate reporting against TCFD recommendations, what is happening in the regulatory space and what investors are looking for. Claudia Kamensky, Team Lead External Communications at Clariant and Peter Burkhalter, Head Accounting at Swisscom allowed insights into their internally needed adaptations and their levels of readiness in corporate reporting at the time of the event. A deep dive discussion with the speakers and your peers provided participants with many tips for their own journey of fully integrating climate in their business.
15.45 Registration
at Impact Hub Zurich
16.00 Welcome
by Barbara Zäch, CCR
16.10 Global Trends in Climate Reporting
presented by Wim Bartels, KPMG
16.40 Practical Insights
presented by Claudia Kamensky, Clariant
17.10 Practical Insights
presented by Peter Burkhalter, Swisscom
17.40 Structured discussion with speakers
facilitated by Barbara Zäch, CCR
18.00 Apéro riche and Networking
![Intro by BZ and FN.jpg](
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