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CCR Roundtable: Regulation offers opportunities

  • Ernst & Young Maagplatz 1 8005 Zürich (map)

Driven by a multitude of regulatory ESG reporting requirements all across different jurisdictions, often times underpinned by corresponding standardization, the ESG reporting is running the risk of being reduced to a compliance exercise. In this CCR Roundtable we focused on the opportunity dimension; on benefits for businesses having a robust and ESG data management approach delivering quality information for both internal and external use.

SIKA and BAYER shared how they unlock the opportunity potential, followed by a moderated deep-dive discussion with speakers and peers to help gain further insights.

Check out the Roundtable in review.

CCR members benefit from access to all Roundtable documents including key take-aways via member section. This CCR Roundtable was open to corporate members only. The number of free tickets for corporate members is defined by their corporate membership category.


08.00 Registration

08.30 Welcome

by Barbara Zäch, Co-CEO and Dr Irene Perrin, Senior Consultant, Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR)

08.40 Participants share their expectations

moderated by Thomas Scheiwiller, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR)

09.00 Overview of current developments in the field of regulations and their impact on Swiss companies incl. short Q+A

presented by Dr Mark Veser, Head Climate Change and Sustainability Services, EY

09.15 SIKA’s view

presented by Florian Angelsberger, Corporate Controller, SIKA

09.45 BAYER’s view

presented by Jens Reissmann, Project Lead EU Taxonomy Reporting, BAYER

10.15 Networking Break

10.45 Summary as introduction to moderated discussion

presented by Dr Mark Veser

10.55 In-depth discussion with experts and participants

moderated by Thomas Scheiwiller

12.00 Outlook on CCR activities

presented by Dr Irene Perrin

12.15 Networking & Lunch

13.00 End of Roundtable


As of January 2022, CCR Roundtables are only open to corporate members of the CCR. If you have any questions, please contact the CCR office at

Find more information on the CCR Roundtable format here.

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