CCR Roundtable
Das Reporting entwickelt sich weiter – die Anforderungen nehmen zu.
Nachhaltigkeit, Transparenz, Stakeholder-Engagement und Langfristorientierung sind nicht mehr ausschliesslich kommunikativ zu bewältigen. Vielmehr sehen sich Unternehmen der Anforderung ausgesetzt, diese zum Bestandteil ihres Geschäftsmodells und Wertschöpfungsprozesses zu machen.
Vor diesem Hintergrund hat das Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR) 2015 den CCR Roundtable (ehemals Integrated Reporting Roundtable) initiiert.
Der CCR Roundtable fördert den Austausch praktischer Erfahrungen, liefert Einblicke in die Ansätze von internationalen Experten und unterstützt das Peer-Learning. Unser zentrales Ziel ist es, unseren Firmenmitgliedern eine praxisorientierte Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung ihrer individuellen Lösungen zu bieten.
Der Fokus liegt nicht auf der Vermittlung theoretischer Modelle, sondern auf deren konkreter Umsetzung in die Praxis. Die Teilnehmenden haben zudem im Mitgliederbereich Zugriff auf die Aufzeichnung der präsentierten Case Studies sowie die Zusammenfassungen der wesentlichen Erkenntnisse.
Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns gerne unter
Seit Januar 2022 steht die Teilnahme an den CCR Roundtables nur noch unseren Firmenmitgliedern offen, um den familiären Workshop-Charakter der beliebten Eventserie zu stärken.
Mehr zur Firmenmitgliedschaft erfahren Sie hier.
EY unterstützt als langjähriger Partner den CCR-Roundtable im Agenda Setting und mit inhaltlichen Beiträgen zu aktuellen Reporting-Themen.
Kommende Roundtables
The CCR Roundtable “Reporting Cycle Debrief” focuses on topics and questions raised by CCR members. It is our members’ yearly opportunity to discuss with their peers top of mind topics from the past reporting period.
Our well-established CCR Roundtable brings together listed companies to explore key topics in corporate reporting. Each session features two to three companies from diverse sectors and varying sizes, presenting valuable insights into their approaches, solutions, and strategies. Save the date for our Roundtable in May. More information will follow shortly.
Our well-established CCR Roundtable brings together listed companies to explore key topics in corporate reporting. Each session features two to three companies from diverse sectors and varying sizes, presenting valuable insights into their approaches, solutions, and strategies. Save the date for our Roundtable in October. More information will follow shortly.
Bisherige Roundtables
The third CCR Roundtable in 2024 will be held on October 24 for corporate members only.
Are you ready to measure and manage your individual climate risks and opportunities? Do your findings impact your strategic and financial planning? CCR members had the opportunity to learn from use cases (Georg Fischer & Zurich Insurance ) and discuss with their peers how to set up solid processes and how to best benefit from the new regulation requirements.
The Roundtable “Reporting Cycle Debrief” focused on topics and questions raised by CCR-members. It is our members’ yearly opportunity to discuss with their peers top of mind topics from the past reporting period. The roundtable was followed by an exklusive networking dinner for members.
The choice of an appropriate ESG Data Management Tool is an important element that companies have to decide about when responding to the ever increasing reporting expectations by the regulator, the capital market, and other stakeholders. How can companies make sense of this increasingly crowded space of vendors? At our CCR Roundtable our members got an overview as well as hands-on experience in terms of learnings and “Dos and Don’ts “.
The bar with regards to the quality of sustainability reporting is rising due to investor requests and regulatory requirements in Switzerland, the EU, and globally. External assurance is an important element of good practice for ensuring the quality and integrity of the sustainability/ESG data. Whereas in Switzerland, external assurance remains voluntary, the CSRD will make external assurance mandatory in the EU and thereby also for many Swiss companies. In this CCR roundtable you get the opportunity to learn about external assurance.
This CCR Roundtable was held for corporate members only. It was based on their topics and questions.
Driven by a multitude of regulatory ESG reporting requirements all across different jurisdictions, often times underpinned by corresponding standardization, the ESG reporting is running the risk of being reduced to a compliance exercise. In our next CCR Roundtable we would like to focus on the opportunity dimension.
The purpose of a business is pivotal as it has never been before. It is the intention and aspiration why a specific business exists and how it plans to create value for its shareholders and other stakeholders. In this Roundtable you will get first hand insight from specific company case studies sharing their journey from defining and creating consensus about their purpose, to how that purpose informs governance, strategies and operations, to the way they deliver evidence through their reporting and disclosure about their outcome and impact.
This CCR Roundtable will be held for corporate members only. It will be based on their topics and questions.
The landscape of sustainability/ESG reporting standards and frameworks is evolving rapidly, new players are entering this space and existing organizations collaborate or merge. At the same time, regulators are preparing their own technical specifications, adding additional complexity.
This CCR Roundtable will be held digitally for corporate members only. It will be based on their topics and questions.
Keep up with the latest regulatory developments in both Switzerland and the EU. Many companies will face increased ESG reporting as well as due diligence requirements. The details are not defined yet, but companies need to start preparing today. The CCR Roundtable provided insights in the forthcoming regulation and allow deep-dive discussions based on case studies with corporates who have already taken action.
A member of the EFRAG Project Task Force on “Reporting of Non-Financial Risks and Opportunities and linkage to the business model (PTF-RNFRO)” provided insights into its current work and timing. Additionally, EY gave a wider perspective on the NFRD and related developments in Europe and Switzerland (such as the Responsible Business Initiative). The presentation of best-practice cases allowed an in-depth discussion of the topic.
This CCR Roundtable was held digitally, for corporate members only, and was based on their topics and questions regarding ESG and digitalization as well as recurring topics of interest.
Lip service to ESG principles and respective non-financial KPIs is no longer sufficient. Companies need to have a clear understanding of their role in society and therefore are required to communicate actively their non-financial targets, how they are reflected in their strategy, in their risk and opportunity assessment and finally in their decision-making processes and finally in their incentive structures.
Keynote speakers: Esther Bares, Philip Morris International / Iris Müller, BKW
The CCR Roundtable provides attendees with the opportunity to hear from two leading financial services businesses how they look at non-financials, what they mean for the daily decision-making, and what they expect from their potential investees.
The internal CCR Roundtable was reserved for members only. Experiences and challenges from the last reporting cycle as well as open questions for the coming reporting cycle were shared and discussed.
Keynote speakers: Dr. Michael Fürst and Denise Weger, Novartis / Justin D’Atri, Zurich Insurance / Becky Pearce, Unilever / Jyoti Banerjee, Fronesys and IIRC
Keynote speakers: Dominique Marolleau, Givaudan / Jens Rupp, Philip Morris International / Dr. Stephan Lienin und Manuela Huck-Wettstein, Sustainserv
Keynote speakers: Claudia Kamensky, Clariant / Cristina Saporetti und Domenica Surace, Eni
Keynote speakers: Dr. Juan F. Gonzalez Valero, Syngenta / Meenakshi Raina, AXA Group
Keynote speakers: Sonja Haut, Novartis / Antonio Carrillo Doblado, LafargeHolcim
Keynote speakers: Adrian Honegger, Leiter Abteilung Group Strategy and Digital Transformation, Baloise Group, sowie Martin Leutenegger, Präsident des Verwaltungsrates der Glarner Kantonalbank.
Ende Mai 2017 richtete das Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR) einen Workshop im geschlossenen Kreis mit dem Schwerpunkt Integrated Reporting aus.
Keynote speakers: Edouard Dubois, BlackRock / Matthew Roberts, ISS Institutional Shareholder Services / Raimund Röhrich, UBS
Keynote speakers: Maja Pataki, Kepler Cheuvreux / Rashila Kerai, RobecoSAM / Johannes Buerkle, SAP SE
Keynote speakers: Dr. Rudolf Wehrli, VRP Clariant; Prof. Christian Strenger, Multiaufsichtsrat, DeAWM, IIRC; und Thomas Stenz, Inhaber, AAC Consulting AG und unabhängiger Verwaltungsrat.
Keynote speakers: John Lelliott, The Crown Estate (UK) / Dr. Jeremy Osborn, EY (UK) / Cora Olsen, Novo Nordisk
Unser beliebter CCR Roundtable fand im November erstmals in Deutschland unter dem Leitthema “Compliance allein ist keine Erfolgsstrategie” statt mit Best-Practice-Cases von Zalando und Bayer.