Stakeholders expect detailed and diverse information on sustainability and ESG aspects. Providing the right level of transparency and understanding which topics and KPIs to prioritise for key stakeholder groups are essential. How can companies find the right balance between financial and non-financial information to best engage stakeholders, meet reporting requirements and work towards their sustainability agenda?
CCR Event: Sprachqualität im Reporting
Was heisst Sprachqualität im Reporting genau – und wie bekommen Sie es hin? Mit dem Schreiben von Texten wollen wir immer etwas bewirken – zum Beispiel informieren, überzeugen, Vertrauen bilden oder Beziehungen pflegen. Der Text ist also eine Art Handlung, eine sprachliche Handlung, die reale Konsequenzen hat. Ob Geschäftsberichte ihre intendierte Funktion erfüllen, hängt stark von ihrer sprachlichen Gestaltung ab.
Corporate Reporting Monitor 2020
Online Geschäftsberichte-Symposium 2020
CCR Event: Digital interaction with capital markets
All of you who regularly communicate with external stakeholders such as potential or current investors will have noticed the following development: In recent years, a paradigm shift towards digital communication has become apparent and this is undoubtedly being accelerated by the current situation. You have access to the replay as well as to the key take-aways.
CCR Roundtable: Reporting cycle debrief
CCR Roundtable: Non-financial objectives and compensation
Lip service to ESG principles and respective non-financial KPIs are no longer sufficient. Companies need to have a clear understanding of their role in society and therefore are required to communicate actively their non-financial targets, how they are reflected in their strategy, in their risk and opportunity assessment and finally in their decision-making processes and finally in their incentive structures. You have access to the replay as well as to the key take-aways.
CCR Roundtable: Credibly reporting fundamental changes in your business model
Annual and Sustainability Reporting during a fundamental transformation of your business model is a challenge. Annual and Sustainability Reports, important and trusted communication tools for stakeholders, should deliver robust information that can be compared to previous business cycles. What if there are no historic comparables? How to account for the impacts of the transformation? Why should shareholders and other stakeholder trust you and be confident that you are able to successfully execute on the new strategy? What kind of reporting strategy will help you navigate the disruption?
CCR Roundtable: The relevance of non-financial performance
One of the key trends in the investment community is the increased focus on long-term and linked to it the role of non-financials as drivers of performance. Since this is a rather young and thus immature space, both corporates as well as investors struggle with getting better aligned, for example around the question of material topics and also at the level of metrics and performance. Both sides are frustrated about the proliferation of approaches, perspectives, frameworks or even emerging standards with regards to non-financial information including ESG.
CCR Event: Corporate Communications meets Investor Relations
Existiert die klassische Aufgabenverteilung zwischen Investor Relations und Corporate Communications noch? Wie sieht die Kooperation und Koordination von Investor Relations und Corporate Communications in der Praxis aus? Welche Ziele verfolgen die Funktionen, und wie stimmen sie sich ab? In welchen Punkten unterscheidet sich ihre DNA, und welche Folgen hat eine stärkere Integration der Abteilungen?
CCR Event: Authentische Sprache in der Unternehmensberichterstattung
Fragen Sie sich auch manchmal, ob Ihnen die Gratwanderung zwischen Echtheit und Inszenierung wirkungsvoll gelingt? Erfahren Sie, wie Corporate Wording zur Sicherstellung einer authentischen Sprache eingesetzt wird, und welche Herausforderungen dabei zu meistern sind. Ebenso haben Sie Einblick in aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse, Analysemethoden und daraus ableitbare Sprachhandlungsstrategien.
CCR Event: Report or you will be reported
What do alternative data providers and your investors know before you do? In the age of big data, the extent and methods of data evaluation have taken on a new dimension and affect companies worldwide. Can you afford to ignore this development or would you like to better understand the impact on your organisation? Let yourself be inspired how to navigate through the ever-increasing data jungle.
CCR Event: Spielerisch zum Kulturwandel
Organisationen sehen sich in den modernen Zeiten mit der Forderung nach agilem Handeln bei gleichzeitiger interner Verantwortungsdiffusion konfrontiert. Eine der zentralen Herausforderungen, den Change-Prozess zu meistern, besteht in der erfolgreichen Kommunikation des kulturellen Wandels. Das Versicherungsunternehmen Baloise hat sich dazu etwas Aussergewöhnliches überlegt – das Brettspiel «Sarah’s Vision».
CCR Event: Non-financials: From box-ticking to impact
Regulators all around the world (particularly the EU) require more non-financial disclosure. Large index investors do ask for non-financial data and information. And the public at large continues to call on businesses for more transparency. How can business make sure not to be trapped in compliance-oriented reactive box ticking exercises which only add to the cost of doing business?
Geschäftsberichte-Symposium 2019
CCR Roundtable: Joint reporting cycle debriefing
The CCR Roundtable was reserved for members only and held in accordance with Chatham House rules. More than 20 corporate members seized the opportunity to join insightful discussions and network activities with their peers. Topics discussed were: Quality of non-financial data, Target Group focused communication, Digitalization, Annual Report – How to get relevant topics and information from divisions in an efficient way.
CCR Roundtable: Materiality at its best – strategic and integrated
The concept of materiality was first introduced by the US Stock Exchange Commission SEC in the 1930ies with a view to ensure that average investors get all the information they need from listed companies. During the last decade this concept has become the fashion in the sustainability/ESG world and has been widely used and applied. Novartis’ most recent Materiality Assessment has brought it to a completely new level: It is thought to be a strategic tool for senior management. As a consequence it includes the broad scope of all possible business issues and is designed to inform strategic decision making rather than just a basis for Reporting.